Looking For A Drug Charge Defense Attorney?

Looking For A Drug Charge Defense Attorney?

Hire a drug crime attorney in Asheville, NC

One drug charge can completely derail your life. You have a better chance of avoiding the harsh penalties that come with a drug crime conviction when you have a trusted drug crime attorney by your side. The Law Office of Joel Schechet focuses on drug charge defense in Western North Carolina.

Fight any drug charge

You need a drug crime attorney who will work hard to protect your rights. Contact the Law Office of Joel Schechet now. We represent clients in the Western North Carolina area who have been charged with drug crimes, including:

  • Drug trafficking
  • Drug paraphernalia possession
  • Drug manufacturing and delivery
  • Drug possession
  • Drug dealing

These are tough charges to beat, but you can rely on our lead attorney for reliable legal guidance in and out of the courtroom. Start working on a solid drug charge defense with the Law Office of Joel Schechet today.